Why say that it is good option to spend your retirement time in Colombia?
Colombia is located on the north part of South America, between Panama, the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean and the great Amazon Rainforest. Also it is crossed by the great Andes Mountains, it originates a great variety of weathers and ecosystems. This factor has privileged to Colombia because it is the only country in South America which has both coasts: the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean, and therefore an extensive continental shelf. In addition of being in the middle part of the american continent, which facilitates it’s communication with other countries.
As well this territory is crossed too by the equatorial line, because of that Colombia does not have seasons, therefore doesn’t have to endure the extreme temperatures nor the damages suffered by them.
Attractions to retirement
The US magazine International Living, which specializes in pension articles, as well as articles in such media as USA Today, The Huffington Post and The Christian Science Monitor, confirm that Colombia is one of migration places for many Americans, Canadians and Europeans who are looking for a new life after retiring.
The media ‘Internacional Living’, qualify Colombia as an excellent place to spend the golden years, and adds: “This beautiful country has something for everyone, including lush green coffee plantations, sparkling crystal beaches, and quaint colonial towns”.
This is how Colombia, a country of cultural, gastronomy and tourism diversity, makes an invitation to be discovered and chosen as a place to rest and enjoyment for all foreigners who wish to change the pace of life that over the years have carried in their countries of origin.
Life in Colombia varies from laidback, relaxing beach living in the coastal town of Santa Marta, to the culturally rich capital city of Bogotá, filled with theaters, churches, and the Gold Museum. Trendy nightlife, upscale shopping, and an array of imaginative restaurants can be found in both Bogotá and Medellín, as well as several other large cities. This said ‘International Living’ in their article: The World’s Best Places to Retire in 2017.
Also, according to one of the most recent BBC articles, Colombia is among the top 5 places to spend retirement.
Colombia have many cities big enough to be dynamic, have good clinics, cultural activity and infrastructure.
In addition to climate, people, food and tourist attractions, Rob Budden tells in his article that “the country is also very affordable. According to Numbeo, a website which compares cost of living globally”[…].
Housing in Medellin costs 50 percent less than in Atlanta, 55 percent less than in Vancouver or 60 percent less than in Boston.
On the other hand, this country offers good health systems for foreigners, have excellent doctors and modern clinics. Have too a large supply of traditional and alternative medicines. Colombian medicine is cheaper compared to the United States, for example, and has advantages in fields such as surgery, optics, ophthalmology and dentistry.
The first element that become to our city in a competitive place in the pensioners market is the climate, “La Eterna Primavera” (the eternal spring) promises temperatures neither very low nor very high and quite constant throughout the year.
It also has a public transport that works well and a good grooming system throughout the city.
In addition, the scheme of security in the city has improved considerably. Today Medellín is a quiet and welcoming city.
Eduardo Loaiza, manager of the Cámara Colombiana de la Construcción para Antioquia, Camacol, clarifies that “the image of Medellín begins to change favorably, there is an increasing taste for natural tourism, as well as the theme of culture, urban planning and architecture.”
Is important to mention too that the city has been labelled “a model of urban development” by the Economist. This given its squeaky-clean overground system, rejuvenated parks and sizeable government redevelopment programme.
Retirement Visa
A Colombian retirement visa Type M Retired requires a public or private pension of at least three times the national minimum wage, or around $750 a month. For 2017, the national monthly minimum wage in Colombia is 737,717 colombian pesos ($250).
You can count with the help of an agency like ours: InterCol Trámites y Centro de negocios, to manage your Colombian visa without any setbacks or complications. It costs only about $ 550 USD, less than in other parts of the world, and may include the couple or children. In addition, it can be easily renewed every year.
So we have the open arms to help you for processing your colombian visa and tell you ¡stay here!